Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I have been silent I know for quite a bit of time. I wanna feel this sense of guilt and neglect in being inconsistent in writing my voice and thoughts. Yet how do you feel guilty over something that is an inspired moment in time to say something..... should it be forced? Yet life steals moments in which one always says " I just don't have this extra time for this or this is not a priority right now. Lazy hands make thoughts idle and left wanting... I been wanting and yet now I trust the universe's moment for me to speak. I been also knowing that as we have heard before.. life just does not just happen by itself, we have to show up. Universe moves.. we listen and then we must put our hands to labor and bring into fruition. Manifesting must be made into materialization in which we touch in reality. So that being said I have been trying to put myself in practice of listening when I feel something speaking in me and instead of saying.. "oh that would be a good topic, I will do it later.." I say no... I will sit down and do it right now. Listen and act. This is one of those moments.

Connections... where do we start. This can go so many places, yet I think this is about soul connections with people in our lives. I have really been thinking about this lately. I feel like right now and as it has been, there is a universal shift of constant transitions. My last blog was about transitions. It continues. As we shift  and energy shifts so do people in our lives. For myself I have felt not only is there a life shift in many areas, I feel like I am being prepared. Not only for where it is going, but for the people that will cross my path. The unknown anticipation. Yet, something I am learning is that it is not just about the future of those to come, but about the past as well. The universe has an interesting way of weaving people in and out of your life at the most opportune times for some reason in which you have no idea why. Yet, you welcome it with open arms because for whatever reason it resonates with you. The universe simply asks us to be present.

 I have been learning that there is patience and openness in understanding we are constantly shedding skin and becoming new people. Though some things seem to stay the same whether viewed good or bad, our experiences and spaces in our lives are always in evolution. Our perspectives, thoughts, experiences, desires, wants, knowledge, self awareness and the list can go on, allow us to see only what we CAN see at THAT POINT in time. We sometimes look back and think or wish something could have been different. But is that necessarily true? I believe we have to trust that we were in that time who we were supposed to be and we could only work within those parameters of what we perceived to be our truth.  Now the new lesson that has come to me is.. am I really present when I am with someone in my life  no matter what capacity that is? partner, friend, sibling, parent. Do we often find ourselves questioning our interactions with people and feeling with certain people like there is a lack of closure perhaps from the past. Why is this? What is missing for us that we all of the the sudden seem to see it now? 

The feelings are often regret.. but there is no need to feel regret. In some instances this is where it is supposed to be. Still it can be a catalyst to think about how present we are with people. Are we really SEEING them and embracing them or are we so busy trying to get to the next destination of labels of them in our lives. Are we seeing roles in our lives that we neatly package up and mark "lesson" "experience" "memory" "encounter". We fix them up so that they neatly make sense in our lives at the time, but maybe they are not supposed to. When you truly SEE someone, they don't "fit", they connect. Some connect briefly, some connect for a long time, some for life, some disconnect and reconnect.. but they are always connected. They don't connect the way you want, they connect the way the universe wants. If it was up to us we'd make a mess of things. People evolve us..it is the sure mirror of growth. We are pushed out of our boundaries and forced to trust the unknown territory of emotions and change as no two people are alike. Every connection is valid and purposeful even those that hurt or are uncomfortable for us. We must be present. Being present allows us to see what things give to us a life source of knowledge and soul wisdom. This comes in all forms and  in ways we least expect. Don't be quick to dismiss them. I am not one to act as if this is something I have come to master in my life. The hurtful ones I always think are dismissive... but they are just as valuable. I must work around the thorns that do serve their purpose, so that I can eventually get to the rose. Then I am blessed with beauty...

All are valuable.. and some truly move you deeply. Listen to those ones. They are special. There is a message waiting with them that even they don't know they have for you. It's remarkable. I recognize them. My soul recognizes them. I do not understand it and yet I know just enough to know that it resonates with me. They come to me with an uncanny ease. It just "clicks". We think this sometimes is not possible, but it does exist. Some are present in our everyday lives, some come and go or are infrequent, but they are unmistakable. Never do I ever try to remove them from where they are to be in my life. They are in it the way they are for a reason. Our greatest ruin is the arrogance of control. Let the grip go. Let it flow. If we are in tune and present, our souls know what to do with them. 

I feel grateful to have had a connect today with a connection that has been in and out of my life, yet always there in their own way. This person inspired these thoughts I share with you. I was triggered by a comment that this person said "I feel like we missed each other sometimes or at least I missed seeing you, For you. Wish i'd had better perspective on that in the moment"  I really sat with that when that was said to me, hit me and got me to really thinking deeply. That was a great reflective moment for me and I don't regret one moment of our connection and how it has unfolded. It was timely as it was supposed to be. Regardless if really SEEING that person in your life could or could not have changed anything in that course of time, still, do we SEE them. Are we embracing them fully in that moment or moments and being present. It's nothing to be discouraged about or again be regrettable about; perhaps we simply weren't ready at that time to see it.  But like universal divine timing, when we open ourselves up to be present and be a receptacle, then we will receive. We have to simply trust that we have been hooked up at the right time with the right connections....

 With soul,

Artistic Soul