Friday, May 28, 2010


white, black, brown, yellow, down .. skinny,round.. profound or mundane... all the same who creates you? who defines you? so is the question of the night as me and my friend discussed "identity". What does that mean? is it in the color of your skin? is it the country that lays claim to the ancestry of your family? is it the music you listen to or the clothes you wear, how you rock the red lipstick or the big bamboo earrings? or the dark lined eyes that hide the fact that you don't know you but search to find you. Grunged out..sagged out swaying about to the rhythm of what plays on the next track that sets you back to childhood memories of that one "white" friend or that one "black" friend that is your immediate education of all the world around you, but little do you know. Little do you know that we are not given to the choice of skin we wear... nor the burden or blessing it it may bear... and to that is in the eye of the beholder to perceive what is "good" or 'bad". Conditioned ways lay hold of our fragile impressionable minds.... we regurgitate a pedagogy of I follow yous... and do what you do if you acknowledge that I am someone too. But it's not the color of your skin but the content of your character.. what registers to your soul.. what speaks to you? can you break the chains of prejudiced traditions? can you cross the boundaries of skin colored biases and class bound ropes around wrists of anxious bodies wanting to be free. Free of boxes that label sexuality belonging to you or me... but sexuality belongs to itself and requires fragile handling..for if abused it can be broken. Free of cultural jump ropes of i'm to light or I 'm too dark and i'm too skinny or i"m too fat to move and dance before audiences of wandering souls looking for the next best fix of their copy cat worlds and carboned copied imaginations that wish they were the ones that could be the spectacle of admiration. But instead they look at themselves and tuck you into a small box of forget-me-knots until they are ready to accept you for you in which you are never you.... but you are the white, black, brown, yellow, down .. skinny,round.. profound or mundane...and all the same you struggle to find your "identity".......

what about you? do you know who you are?

with soul,

artistic soul

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Self Realizations....

My 36th bday seemed to be a magical one, an epiphany of sorts as I strolled through the and laughter...and scattered throughout were my familiar faces. It hit me... a "shift" a REALIZATION, a peaceful contentment that somehow was made up of little works in the universe all moving towards this moment to finally say "you are ready..." my status for today's Facebook read "REALIZATIONS... SHIFTING.. THEY ALL HAPPEN IN THEIR OWN TIME. WE CAN'T FORCE SOMETHING WE ARE NOT READY FOR, BUT WHEN WE ARE READY....IT BRINGS SOUL RECOGNITION AND CLEAR AFFIRMATIONS THAT BRING AN INDESCRIBABLE PEACE AND JOY"

To this be true.. and perhaps it was not magical... perhaps it was simply positive reinforcement that I was ready to acknowledge where I was in myself in that very moment and the universe agreed. All at once clarity came about friends, lovers, men/relationships of past and those not yet come, my purpose, artistic expression and direction. The friends that have always been, the friends that serve a specific purpose, the friends that were and are no more,the friends that were and still can't be, the friends that are fair weathered and the ones that no matter where you are and how little or how often you speak.. you feel time stood still for you two, new friends, old friends, friends you've yet to meet.. they came into my new found "realization". The "realization" that I am perfectly brown, short, unskinny and not sized to proportionate perfection or molded to the world's standard that dares to negate my self worth and undeniable talents because they are nearsighted to their own lack of Self "realization" that it ain't all about them. Let me be about MY business and why the creator and universe had a deep conversation over a cup of tea about why I should be so perfectly created and made it so...made it so and that was a private conversation, not for the world to have say. Thank you very much. The lovers that finally worked out to be just that.. a lover and not a "faux(fake) unavailable pieced together
part-time"non relationship". The past men and the men to come I sum it up to and for them as I told a new kindred sister of a friend about one of my new found "realizations" this: there's been too many tears, wasted moments, hesitations, stalled plans, wishful thoughts, daydreams of picket fences and lil pattering feet running around in a cloud of "MAYBES"..... all spent on one phrase "One day..."

No for me TODAY is the day and can't anyone tell me either about "one day..." cuz everyone needs to worry about their own "one days.." they need to deal with because they missin out on their "realization"......

If you can relate and you have found in the recent your own realization, please share with me. As well feel free to respond to anything I have said.. this is my FIRST BLOG! so off we go and this is what SOUL TALK is all about.. welcome.

with soul,

Artistic Soul....