Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Uprise: Like Minded Souls In A Creative Coup

I know my title seems a bit interesting and you may wonder what I am going to write about. Well, let me share with you exactly where I am going with this. As, I am on my own personal search for my voice and creative expression in this time, I am noticing a certain movement that is happening. This is at least my personal opinion, though  I have found others that agree. I am not a political person really nor do I profess to have extensive knowledge about our system in the U.S., but I do feel conscious and connected to the changes that have been taking place. One doesn't have to always know the details to see the overall big picture of something. Sometimes we get too much in the details of things. There are bigger things beyond us at work and for many of us that are connected in a conscious or spiritual way, we feel the shifts that are creating a major impact all around us and in our personal lives. These shifts are happening in many different areas, but I particularly am taking notice in one area that affects me and others around me. 

The economy, taking a dive and causing unemployment at alarming rates has interestingly enough created a silver lining that has found its way into a expanding rainbow. Those that have been forced out of work and those disgruntled with the redundant bore of making the all mighty dollar at the Company A are awakening. They are stirring.. thus the beginning of the uprise. People are realizing that even though they feel enslaved by the system, they are finding new freedom in being their own money maker. Independence has taken on a new form. People are being forced to be creative and inventive. Entrepreneurship is not a novice concept, but what is, is the fact that people are unifying. Thus the beginning of the coup. Sometimes we think that being our own bosses means a very selfish means to obtain as much as we can for ourselves. We think that it means to each their own. On the contrary, there is a powerful and exciting movement happening. Like minded souls are finding one another. There is almost this barter system and exchange of talents. There is a realization that there are power in numbers and that each person in our circle has something different to contribute. I roam around in the creative world of dancers, artists, musicians and the like. I tend to notice it most here. Not to leave out anyone or other professions, but I think that this has been the most beautiful and inspiring shift. Unfortunately, as amazing as it is to see the contribution of the arts to our world, sometimes those in these professions are some of the most understated and unpaid for what they give and can offer.  

We know the saying well of the "starving artist". There is most definitely truth to it. Yet, again there is something rising from deep within and a light has gone off. Eyes are open to the fact that opportunity is but a person away. We are helping one another to network, creating collaborations in business endeavors and co creating dreams. We have heard of home flipping, but those around us are dream flipping. They are taking those 8-5 jobs run by Jo Schmo and using them as a rung on the steps to their personal dream and aspirations. They have realized that they are no longer filling the pockets and dreams of the fat cats, but cashing out, walking out and closing the door behind them. Risks taking is no longer a fear, but people are taking leaps off ledges of restlessness and discontentment into the clear waters of personal dreams realized. 

I am watching my friends and even strangers that I cross paths with take leaps. I am in awe watching them and inspired. I am biting at the bit to be apart of this coup. I have stood on the sidelines long enough while the war rages around me and enough is enough. I want to be apart of the battle. The battle for personal freedom. The rights to our dreams and happiness. I chose the creative world, but you can apply this to whatever you want. If you feel this resonates with you, then welcome. It is an exciting time. By all means it has not been easy. I have felt wounded more than I would like, but still healing comes and I am back in the fight again. It takes time and patience sometimes to see things come to fruition, but what it doe not take is complacency and idleness. I am realizing we must take every means to labor. The enemy never sleeps and nor should we. Our enemy can be whatever we fathom it to be in our lives. Is it YOU, fear, laziness, people, negativity and the list can go on. I am reminded everyday that I am missing my victories. Let us all not miss our victories and be on the sidelines. Join the Up Rise....

With Soul, 

Artistic Soul

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