Saturday, January 1, 2011

The New year: Entering Self and Leaving Behind Self

Apologies as I often take a long leave from blogging. I would say not by choice but that would not be truth as I can or can not blog. Perhaps this will be the new lesson of the year for me. We sometimes resist the feeling of "having to do anything" especially artistic expression of some sort. We feel that should flow freely from us. Some of us "work a job" everyday even if our dream job, so we hate to make this free expression a job so to speak. For me my mind thinks so much that I work myself into a frenzy thinking that I must set aside this indulged amount of time to write.. that I need time to somehow be consumed and lost in that. We are often such a slave to time. How often do we sit to embrace time and let it move slowly for us though the clock may move consistently as it often does minute by minute. We can't get that time back, so may we not have regrets of these minutes becoming days till we step upon a new year... 2011.

I am sure everyone has found inspiration to write their thoughts, reflect on 2010, make resolutions, make promises of change and look into the next year with longing eyes of hope. This year I had quite the solemn calm entrance into the new year. I almost felt like something was wrong. While people seemed to search for deep revelations and reflections and would pose the questions of " how was 2010 for you?" I really had to pause and think. There was the question of looking back and recognizing any pivotal changes or events that occurred that may have made a significant impact in my life. Did there have to be this evidence? Is it that there are these things that should occur in our lives and in grandiose fashions in our lives to make us compare and reflect? Did I just miss it? I felt I had to dig for answers. Was I just not paying close enough attention to the occurrences in my life? Perhaps they didn't rate on a scale of importance on my radar. We all have things in our lives that if we were to write them down and pass them around to the next person and rate them in order of importance, they'd all come out different. Perhaps this how I felt.

My greatest point to make and "reflect" upon is that EVERYDAY, is a "new" occurrence. The entrance into a new year is another day marked on the calendar. Although, astrologically change is always taking place in the our universe that shift our energies and usher in new waves of transitions, "new" is upon us everyday. How many resolutions have we made that we simply have not kept, promises broken, goals not met, opened eyes of new found revelation that closed over time as we wear down with the challenges of spiritual/life wear and tear. My blog is not a downer into the new year, but I hope for myself and readers a call to reassess how we celebrate the new year. We find the statement outfits and knock back the concoctions to numb us up more and find some cheer. We laugh and smile and romp around looking for a reason to start over again clueless to a reality before oneself. Many of us rush into the new year asking or begging deep down for a forgiveness of ourselves, a do-over pass, a removing of a mask only to find another waiting beneath. Did it ever occur to us that we come to this point every year hoping we can leave the last one behind? Though some of us actually can acknowledge and celebrate the past year with appreciation and clarity.. through the good and bad. So many of us wait for this new year as if a clock re starter, but wonder if we were conscious of our days everyday that there was no need to be in the same position the next year? Did we ever think about maintenance.. self maintenance throughout our whole journey of the year? Taking the time to continuously reflect and grow. To be confident in making more clear directed decisions that would impact our lives in a forward motion. We will always have self work, but wouldn't it be nice to make that load lighter as to not burden the new year with expectations. Hmmmm.. my doesn't that even cross the topic of personal intimate relationships? Self work, lessening loads, no expectations.. So interesting how certain life lessons and principles permeate all areas important in our lives: jobs, love, family, career and self.

In case you are missing my thoughts. It would be the challenge this year to not wait till the end of the year, ushering in the next with such climatic expectations and disposed of past experiences. Change, decisions, perspectives, reflections, lessons, growth and the list can go on can be an everyday happening. The first day of the year is not magical in the reality realm. You will wake up with a "new" day, roll out of bed, brush your teeth, breakfast and whatever your daily routine you created. Money will not suddenly perhaps appear in your bank account, an amazing partner you so longed for will not just manifest next to you and you may not pop up in the lush island paradise you so dream of, but it's another day. What is magical about it is the new day of making an everyday dull choice to us a stepping stone to greatness. Greatness as defined by us and whatever that may be. It's all about perspective. What in simplicity can create grandeur in your world. What will make you feel good? make you evolve in your mind and soul? Try not to place weighted expectations on yourself that you will punish yourself later for not meeting. Baby steps of faith in the direction of our decisions and lives can become leaps and bounds. We have to celebrate in the "initiation" process. We have to be resolved in the "intention" process and then from there.. it's truly not in our control. There's nothing wrong with looking back on the past year to reflect, but let it be a productive look back. Let the journey not feel like there was such great chasms along the way, but let there be progression. For some reason a farmer popped in my head and I am a city girl by heart, but I tried to place myself in their minds. Many farmers or anyone that toils on land are some of the most grateful people. This is my opinion. They have to labor their hands in the soil and their sweat waters their crops. Yet they do it out of both necessity and love. Necessity to survive and love for life and living. Every decision they make creates an impact on their crops. Every seed they plant is hope for the future result of the crop. They have to water, care and maintain daily as even every crop is different. They have no control over the climate and conditions that will lay over their land. They have no promise of the end results. Yet they have to wake up every morning and labor, many times before we can even fathom opening our eyes. There are no breaks and though the labor tedious there is a love and bond to their land. For in the end there is nothing like the HARVEST. They truly can look back and know that they labored throughout without fail letting their mistakes mingle with successes but it all came to an end result. Sometimes there are failed harvest and others not, but I can be sure that there still can be a resolve that they toiled from their soul everyday. Everyday was a truth labor of love. It's not just the physical manifestation but the spiritual lesson in this all.

Keeping grounded is the challenge to labor in love everyday with self. Create a new you everyday since no day is truly the same. My New years was as it wanted to be and how I simply felt. I trusted that things played out as they should. There was no desire to evoke or push what was not there. My year had it's ups and downs with lessons piggybacking along the way. There were memorable times and times I look back and want to forget. You can choose to bring in this new year and first day however you feel. I have chosen to challenge myself to acknowledge my feelings during this time and embrace why I feel as I do. Let it guide me into thinking about exactly all I have stated in this blog. To make no expectations on the new year, no promises, no goals too far to reach. Yet to have hope to look forward to the next day. We often have the habit of wanting to look "ahead" we have trouble looking into the NOW which in the end makes up the future we so want to know about. Funny thing is then we are surprised by the end results of the future. That's humorous. Tomorrow is not promised why not live today. The creator and universe are so full of surprises. We can make plans and we are allowed to.. some of them come to fruition and like many of us come to see our plans sometimes get changed. Lessons come we didn't expect and growth comes in the oddities of time. Let's just be open. Don't be afraid to accept where we are in life, in our thoughts and feelings. When we create acceptance then the very things we are striving for are the things we can work through and forward with. In the end instead of the END to the start of BEGINNING.. there is simply a HARVEST. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

with soul,

Artistic Soul

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