Friday, August 22, 2014

What's Eating You?

So how you feeling about your relationship? Is it healthy? Is it giving you what you need? Does it take up too much of your time? Is there not enough happening in it? Does it make you feel good about yourself and really compliment your life? Do you see a positive present and future in it? Oh??! you thought I was talking about your love life? Oh no.. I wasn't talking about that whatsoever. Good luck on that.. ahem. Let's move on. I was talking about your relationship with food. It's a long hard stressful relationship of ups and downs I have been having with food for some time. It's a relationship I can't seem to breakup with of course, but it's needing some work. Never has it been abusive to me, but we've been going out for so long that it's time to reshape and renew a healthiness back into it. Put a new life into it. I feel like it's worth that effort to work on this relationship because it's played such an important role in my life. So let's chat about this. I want to share with you some about my relationship, how I feel and what I think perhaps we could gain from this chat we are going to be having. Hopefully, we'll walk away with a new perspective without paying out anyone for some shrink time on a sticky leather couch, uncomfortably adjusting your clothing to cover your embarrassing "love affair".

Call it genetics, call it society or call it what you want, but we in America are obsessed with our appearances. Social media and the like has made it incredibly difficult to know what to do with our body images. The topic becomes more impacted when you add the 100 pound baggage we carry around with our personal lives and the many issues we are aware of and not aware of that weigh us down. Self esteem hides behind body image and body image becomes a mask in which all things dark about ourselves hide. Then try living in cities where you are inundated with body messages telling you how to have a relationship with your body and food. Or everyone now has advice upon advice on social media about how you can lose weight.  Can you believe it? Someone has the nerve to dictate how you run your relationship? The worse thing about that? you listen. You listen to almost everyone. You think you don't but let's keep it real. You listen. IF you didn't then why are you thinking about it right now and why are you eating a small salad when you want a burger or drinking diet coke instead of coke?  That's what I thought. Some people don't care. Not always a good thing, but I also give kudos for the personal mental freedom to not be bound to opinion.  But where are the plethora of articles giving advice about how to re frame your mind about eating in relation to personal body image? It's all quick fixes and trust me I like a quick fix like the next person, but it doesn't always work for everyone.  I mean there really is  a direct everyday correlation that happens and a process that happens in your decision making on how you will eat and what you will eat. We see food being paraded in front of us everyday on a billboard, a restaurant, commercials on TV that are directed at our senses. The main ones are sight and smell. But sight is the most powerful because it moves us to think. Thinking... yes. It all is very much psychological. What you think about is what you become, so why is it any different in food?

So let's talk about my struggle. Well everything I am talking about is my struggle! I have always struggled with thinking about my weight and appearance. Thinking about what I "should" look like. Funny thing is the "should" question or thought should sound familiar. We think about this when asking, "what should I be doing with my life," who should I have as a partner", "where should I be in my life right now." and so the list can go. All things are interconnected. Food is no different. the perspective and attitude we take with food, is the same for any part of our lives and they deeply affect one another. I have been the incessant googler and bothersome friend asking another what to do about shaping up and eating healthy. So let's keep it real right now. I am tired. I am sick of food. If I could get rid of it I would. I am exhausted thinking everyday about what to eat and it be "healthy". Especially when there is not as much easy access to it as the McDonalds, Jack in the Box and Albertos, Gilbertos, Juanbertos,  you just passed within the last 4 blocks. Not that I want to eat all that .  But you get my point. What is the problem? Well there are many. Let me first start by saying, something I am learning is that the first approach to gaining a healthy relationship back and shaping up is not because you want to look good, but feel good as in being healthy. Like a relationship, losing weight is a band aid. You fight and make up, but only apologize on the surface, you still blame the person, but never work on the core reasons why you are disagreeing in the first place! so it comes back and maybe the same issue or in the form of another. So  just aesthetically taking care of your body isn't enough. What happened to the psychological affects and reasons behind WHY you are trying lose weight? where has that gone? They are there.

So back to my issues, sorry I was sharing with you wasn't I? I won't keep talking I promise. But  my main struggle has been trying to be healthy while of course looking better. I mean come on I am a real person. Why would I not want both? Again first should be feeling better by being healthier and the in return we'll look better. It's a win win situation.  The healthy part is by far the hardest part of all. What is the definition of healthy according to who?  It is hard when you are sorting through opinions and trying to figure out what is best for you. Let's get this straight. One size does NOT fit all when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss.  One has to take into account personal health, genetics, culture, economics and geography to name a few. There within lies the issue for me and I think for a lot of people. All those factors. Yet, again we are being beat over the head with advice. It's like informational mayhem, making us schizo! I am up and I am down. I am happy then depressed waiting for an outcome. I am becoming exhausted with something that is the very necessity of life and really should be a beautiful thing.

Let me start to bring this to a close, I don't want to lose you and I don't think there needs to be a part two to this conversation. As there so much more that can be talked about I haven't discussed with you, but I won't so just hold on. I don't want to end on a tirade about my relationship. I think it's important to look at the beautiful things I am learning about my relationship. I am the ONLY person in MY relationship and no one can tell me how to lead it. Therefore I must figure out how I can grow old with it and look at my relationship with loving eyes and fewer worry lines or gray hairs! I mean I have been cheating. Hmm shame on me. But have I really? Yea some things I can do without, but really have I? Food. Food. Let's chat about it. It is in the essence of it all one of the most beautiful things in its own right. Wait I know I just said  above I am sick of food. Well I told you I had a love/hate relationship! but back to the issue at hand.   I wanna be faithful. Trust me. It deserves that. Part of renewing the fire back into the relationship is to look at it differently. Perhaps it's the creative person in me, but I have grown to love food over time more and more, but in a more evolved way. I am not overly picky, but I have found aspects about it that excite me. Working in cooking classes has encouraged it even more. I am obsessed and amazed by cooking documentaries (ask me about the ones I have watched). Talk about bringing some romance back! Looking at the food, smelling it, tasting it. Learning about all of the most incredible ways it can be made into these masterpieces is fascinating to me. I mean did you know it was art? I find myself  plating my food in a certain way, taking a picture of it (i don't care what any one has to say about that) I have made it my ritual, but again that's my relationship,maybe not yours. Food is beautiful and today we have made it an enemy. This monster. I think it's time we approach beauty and the beast. We don't live in a fairytale. It's real and here to stay.

So my friend,  I just wanted to say. I am trying. I am trying to work this out. I have been realizing that I need to be loved just the way I am and yet there is nothing wrong with changing for the better. I mean that's what a supportive relationship is about. But it is also about living life to the fullest. Not being just "full", stick with me here, but a full life. I have had some of my best memories around food.  I can't be obsessed with living in a place of self denial all the time. It's about balance. The give and take. I love a good green  juice, but I love a good burger here and there. I mean again. That is me, it may not be you. That is what I want to pass on that I am learning for myself. Everything in moderation, but not moderately living and experiencing. Live. Be conscious about the value of your health, but what use is there preserving a life that leaves you stressed out taking hours off it? Food is sustenance, it is art, it is social, it is cultural; food is a myriad of things that should not be boxed in. I mean don't we complain about that in our relationships? Don't do it to food. I am no expert and like all opinions, you do what you will with all of this. You at the end of the day have to find out what is best for YOU. We have been given body intuition, you need to start trusting it as I must. You know what is right for you and what is wrong. Like you know about a relationship. So I am just sharing my journey. It's a hard one, but worth walking through open minded and wide eyed. So when I ask you what's eating you? I hope you say it's not your food, but you are eating IT.

with Soul,

Artistic Soul


  1. Thank you for this :-) Maintaining a healthy relationship with myself is a daily challenge that requires me to hold myself accountable for the things I eat, but do so in a kind manner. Food is the mechanism by which I reveal how healthy that relationship is, or (when I'm in a non-mindful head space) a tool that highlights how disconnected from my body I might be at the time. Sharing your journey gently reminds others, including myself, to check in with ourselves on a regular basis. So again - thank you :-)

  2. Thank you Dara for your response. It is a daily challenge and it can be very frustrating. Like anything sometimes I think I have to take one day at a time in small increments of change. I know it is easy for many of us to look at things in our lives in an overwhelming fashion. We look at the large issue at hand and feel it must be tackled all at once and drastically. Yet, that sets us up for failure. It is another hard practiced lesson as you said to be gentle to ourselves, even forgiving and feel good if we have one success in the day. We have to rejoice it that. Then perhaps we can start seeing many successes in maintaining healthy relationship with self. Staying present and connected is always a conscious practice we must implement with ourselves. You are already well on your way in change b\y you acknowledging and recognizing the need to reconnect to yourself and body!
