Thursday, June 10, 2010

The LovHER.....

Small talk turns into small kisses on the nape of her neck.. no formalities, gentle touches caress the outlines of her body as he pulls her closely into deep conversations of kisses telling her she is in this moment is the only one....

For this moment YOU are the only one and only in this present MOMENT. The Lover... a word translated and used sparingly from the tips of our tounges fall into our laps and lay cozily wanting to be stroked and touched with the intention of intimacy but the disguise of detachment. As she lays cuddled up next to this warm body an epiphany of thought crosses her mind joined with a peaceful feeling of understanding that she is in this moment satisfied....Usually she is bum rushed with thoughts of what is he thinking? where is this going? When will I see him next? and what does this all mean? this is an all too familiar pattern of a relationship glimpse that turns into a flurry of worries and unrest. When did the present turn into a future? But isn't this like us women to take a moment and make it obsolete as if it has little importance in our grand master scheme of what WE picture to transpire...but indeed it's the MOMENT we must listen to for there are a thousand words spoken we must hear.

The lover implies the meaning that there is a single purpose for the rendezvous and nothing more. It serves no further role other than an intimate encounter at the random or frequent discretion of both parties. There is in this some form of certainty and commitment in a non committal arrangement. It seems an oxymoron but in reality there is truth in this that sets us free from being bound to our "expectations" in which we should take note to acknowledge. There is simplicity that we must embrace. When we delve into our encounter and accept the role of the "lover" that crosses our path we recognize that indeed there are more meaningful levels in which to discover. We recognize that we may take out our frustrations of perhaps the lack of a partnership on the other person and not realize they have the right to be in the space they are in. If they elect not to have a relationship, it is to be respected and it simply means they are only able to give what they can at the moment and time and we must decide if we are willing to sign the dotted line of this agreement. Once we do we realize this, there is a new transformation that happens and transcends our patterns and preconceived notions or experiences. We are able to take a moment and fully enjoy the MOMENT. We should not be so narrow as to think that often times a lover means unloving or detachment. We confuse sex with intimacy and miss out on the fact that in these interactions are perhaps desires by our lover as moments to share intimacies. We express with sex, but there can be moments in the moment that emotions are shared, needs are met and for them fulfillment in an arrangement in which this is the only way they can or want to give of themselves. We once again are surrendered to this without resentment. We don't feel dis empowered when we give sexually but but feel a sense of power when we accept this arrangement of how we give ourselves. Sex does not become a shackle of NEED which creates possessiveness and insecurities nor sexual dependency. This acceptance makes the encounter no less meaningful but valid and reaffirming of our need to be touched as humans which is a powerful communication in itself.

There is a beauty in this and some peaceful satisfaction that allows us to be in that present moment. We need to let go of trying to define the role of the lover and leave it at that and not a jump off to anything more. The sooner we come to clarity between both parties involved that there are no expectations other than to be present in that moment it empowers us to feel in control of our emotions which removes all of our inhibitions. These inhibitions blur the black and white lines into gray areas. We miss the soft touch that caresses the small of our back, the warm body wrapped up in a entanglement of surrender, the passionate entwining bodies in deep release of raw pent up energies, the emotional flow of connection and acceptance that only come to eyes and arms wide open to the loveHER.....

With Soul,

Artistic Soul

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