Monday, June 28, 2010

Unfinished Music

"Unfinished Music"

I move and I move, here, there, everywhere…. My heart finds no rhythm quite the same. My feet shift to and fro, my body writhes in an undecipherable melody. Harmony has no place in this world of mines.. Notes scatter to the floor and I scurry to pick them up.. my once perfect symphony has now been cast aside by the awful noise of out of tuned instruments. One lacks the ear to hear my internal beat, moving oh so smoothly along the tips of my toes to the to the top of my head where I feel free……I can see dancing.. humming, tapping my feet..ahhhh how it moves me.

I return to reality to only pick up my fallen g clef as I peer at its curves and wondering what pitches and spaces it will tell me to have in this song of life I try to write. I rip threw pages of abandoned lyrics.. I just can’t seem to finish. Just when I feel I have found the perfect chorus or hit the right note.. Flatness…. A void of of empty chords… left untouched….

By (Angela Calvin) Artistic Soul

Don't we sometimes feel this way. "A void of empty chords.. left untouched... these are moments in our lives when we feel these uncertainties. In these moments we feel a sense of feeling lost and no matter what is going on there is this "flatness". It's like our moments of epiphanies when things just seem to "click" and it all comes to fruition and clarity. It happens all in it's own time and we can't predict it. This is the same for these moments of feeling disconnected and uninspired even. Yet we tend to have a dislike for these times and we don't want to open our arms to them in an embrace.

We often think these times are unplanned interruptions, inconveniencing in the flow of our lives but on the contrary they are planned in the grand scheme of it all. It's an intricate part of the cycle in our lives that is much needed and required. We ask why? Why is such an uncomfortable moment needed? Exactly. It's just that.."uncomfortable". It's meant to be.. it's the very moment that creates a new transition. These times just don't come once in our lives.. we often dread knowing that on the contrary they come quite often, littered throughout our journey in an unpredictable fashion. They are meant to be the catalyst to change, to our very growth as a person. If we fail to have these times then we should worry. We should worry that stagnation has set in.. we should worry that we are desensitized to our own long pauses in our lives that don't allow us to move on to finish a sentence.. or a paragraph enough to move on to the next. In these times we are moved to think and process how we feel about our lives, if not careful we can miss the lessons embedded in this moment as they are overrun by our hastiness to dismiss this time. But we should sit in it, embrace these times. Yes much easier said than done but what good does it do us to resist? When we do resist we are doomed to repeat as it will come back to us. Take it as a favor from the universe which warrants a gratitude from us.

So the next time that you find yourself unsettled, lost, annoyed and asking why... find your rhythm, try to put it all in tune, gather all the fallen notes off the floor and arrange them on your page of unfinished music....

with soul,

Artistic Soul


  1. Replies
    1. I am discovering response from long ago! ha sorry. Thank you for reading! keep coming back:)

  2. Replies
    1. I am just seeing this ha! Thank you for reading it and keep reading!
